During this busy communion season I have had a lot of requests on how to use my first communion centerpiece circle printables. After writing out instructions more then 10 times for customers I decided it was time to make a tutorial & here it is!
First thing you do is pick out which centerpiece printable set you want, I have quite a few in the shop to choose from and then purchase it here ---> COMMUNION CENTERPIECES
Once you have purchased the design you want, edit it in adobe reader to say your child's name and then print it out at a third party printers for best results like staples or office max. I suggest printing it on cover stock vs card stock. Its thicker and sturdier but be warned its harder to cut with out having a really good pair of scissors. So unless you have a great pair of craft scissors then just get the communion centerpiece circles printed on 100 lb card stock. Decide how many Communion party centerpieces you will need and print out how many you need.
Now for the fun part, head to the dollar store! All the supplies in the picture below I bought from the dollar store. Its spring time so the dollar store is packed full of things you can use for your centerpieces. Here is a list of what I purchased there.
• Shish Kabob sticks
• Light blue pail (One for each centerpiece you plan to make)
• White shredded tissue

Once you have all your supplies together, cut out the Communion circles and tape them or glue them to the Shish Kabob sticks and fill the pail with the shredded white tissue paper, make sure its packed tight so the Shish Kabob stick will stick firmly into it.

Then place the Shish Kabob stick with the communion circle on it into the pail. Trim the Shish Kabob stick at the bottom to the desired height you want the communion circle centerpiece to stick out of the pail.
You can use one of the circles from the printable set to make a centerpiece like in this example below.

or you can use all three communion centerpiece circles in the pail and make a centerpiece like in this example below.

Here are some examples of the other designs I have in the shop to give you some first communion centerpiece ideas! Hope you enjoy my little tutorial!