This year Ace brought in plastic vampire fangs. These were great and cost less then $12 CAN to put together. The Vampire fangs I bought at the Dollar store and the tags were printed at Staples. The tags are available for purchase here ---> Personalzied Halloween Treat Tag

The year before Ace brought in such a cool item that I still get asked about it. I can't take all the credit on this one as I had a friend of mine make them for me. I had seen some minecraft tumbles she had made and thought it would be awesome to make a minecraft snack container. So for only $28 CAN she made enough for the whole class. The students in Ace's class still use their containers to this day! To make these, the snack containers were purchased at the Dollar Store and she used food grade vinyl to cut out the shape of the mouth and the eyes.
This one Ace didn't give to his class but I made them for another student in his class to hand out when they were in kindergarten. The kids just loved getting their own play doh to take home and the total cost to make the home made play doh and print the tags was under $20. The editable Halloween Treat Toppers are available here ---> Halloween Treat Topper They are an instant download you edit in Adobe Reader making them quick and easy for when you totally forget about the Halloween class party until the last minute.
Hopefully these unique non candy class treats help you to decide what to send in for your little ones Halloween class party. If you have any suggestions for a unique Halloween non candy class treat please comment below. I would love any suggestions for Ace & Terror's Halloween class treats for next year!
To check out more of my party printables visit my shop at SugarPickle Party