When your little guy first starts to come home with those early reader books in kindergarten its an exciting time and the best time to get him excited about reading. If you are lucky enough that reading is something he enjoys then whats the next step once those early readers do not satisfy him? A good first reader chapter book! But which series should you start with? Well to help you choose where to start I have put together a list of first chapter books my 2nd grader has read and really enjoyed!
First one you should try is
Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot by Dav Pilkey. Not only is this series a fun read, its also got little life lessons mainly about bullying in each one. Each book in the series is roughly 120 to 150 pages and its just like reading an extended early reader book with bright colorful picture pages with only one paragraph per page. Its probably the best first introduction to chapter books as its a hybrid of a colorful picture book and first chapter book. There is 9 book so far in the Ricky Ricotta world but hopefully there will be more soon! This series is by far my 7 year old's favorite to date.
Next is
Bird & Squirrel
by James Burks. It more of a colorful graphic novel series but its fun, adventurous and silly. There is roughly 130 pages in each book as well. It does not have as many words as any of the other books in our list but its a great start to getting a child to read longer more detailed stories then the early readers they have been use to so far. There are currently only 4 in the series so far.
Once your little reader is ready to moved passed the colorful pages and into more traditional first chapter books then the next series you should try is
by Megan McDonald. This series follows around the pesky little brother of Judy Moody and all his crazy adventures. It is full of imagination and some actual random facts. The pictures in these books are black and white and there is more then one paragraph on each page. There is about 130 pages per book, 10 in the series and the story is entertaining but easy enough for a 6 to 8 year olds to read. Its a great series to boost your little ones confidence in their growing reading skills.
Of course this list would not be complete with out the funny, imaginative and a bit mischievous series
The Adventures of Captain Underpants
by Dav Pilkey. The way this series is set up is the two main characters set out to write their own comic book. So some of the books has a bit of a graphic novel feel and the other half is like a first chapter book. It written very well and is definitely fun to read (or have it read to you). The pictures are in black and white in the older versions but recently the series has be re released in full color.They are all about 130 pages long and there is 12 in the series. With the Captain Underpants movie set to come out soon it would not be hard to get your little guy interested in this series.
Lastly is
The DATA Set
by Ada Hopper. This series is a great start to mystery fictional chapter books. It has three main characters each of who is very smart in different areas. The stories are a little more challenging to read then any other series in this list but still at a 2nd grade reading level and are definitely going to be more appealing to a child who likes mysteries and problem solving type stories. There is about 130 pages per book and still have black and white pictures through out. There is about 6 in this series.
And there you have it with all the books in these great series you will have enough reading material to keep him reading for a whole school year! I will update this list according to my 2nd grader as he expands into more first chapter books series that he finds enjoyable.
To keep your new little reader motivated I have created a FREE editable PDF for your child! There is a blue one and a pink one. Simply download either or both of the PDF files HERE ----->
FREE READING CHART edit the PDF (in the newest version of adobe reader) to have up to 8 books and edit in the rewards for reading those books and print!
If you have any other great first chapter book suggestions my 7 old year would love to hear them!!