Later that day from the corner of my eye I noticed Ace pulling up his stool to the tree where Evie the elf was resting for the day. Quietly I walked over so he wouldn't notice. Ace got as close as he could to Evie, quietly said in a stern voice all while shaking his finger at her "You stop tattling on me or I'm going to knock you out and throw you in the garbage!" I did everything in my power not to laugh and make my presence known. Ace continued with several "Are you listening Evie, no more tattling it not nice!" as I backed out of the room and then watched Ace pick up his stool and bring it back to its spot. I later asked Ace if he wanted to write a letter to Santa and have Evie bring it to Santa. Ace thought that was a great idea so we wrote to Santa and I took this picture of Ace with Evie and his letter to Santa that day.
We continued on for all the days before Christmas having Evie move around and do a few silly things, but not many as we have quite a lazy Elf ;p! On Christmas Eve my Hubby dressed up as Santa and we staged a photo shoot of Santa leaving presents and picking up our dear little Evie. Then I put Evie in the box away in my closet, my dark walk in closet that Ace would never go into.
In the morning we showed Ace the picture of Santa visiting our house and picking up our elf Evie. We read Ace the goodbye letter Evie left him and he seemed happy she was gone. Christmas day was fun and crazy and gone in a flash. I was 8 months pregnant with Terror but I know I put the elf away in the dark closet . . . A few days after Christmas I brought up Evie, ask Ace if he missed her and wasn't it fun having an elf in the house. Ace looked at me like I was crazy for bringing up the elf and said "No I didn't like it." I told him that maybe next year when she comes back to visit he will like it better. In a calm quiet voice while not making eye contact he said "oh she won't be coming back to our house ever . . . " The way Ace said it with such confidence made me want to run to go check on the elf, but I waited until he went down for a nap. I checked everywhere in the closet. The box, the book and the elf were gone! I searched for a few hours before giving up and realizing that maybe this Elf on the shelf thing was just not something we would be part of.
A year passed, Ace was in kindergarten, Terror was 8 months old and I brought up the elf in mid November. I told Ace that if we wanted to have another elf come Santa said he would send us a different elf, a boy elf named Jingle. Ace had a melt down . . . not the reaction I was expecting at all! Ace was so upset and wanted Evie to come back and didn't want a new elf and Ace said he wanted to say sorry for being mean to her last year. So I spent HOURS while he was at school opening boxes cleaning the closet searching the basement for our Evie the elf. I finally gave up about a week before December 1st and went out to buy a new "Evie". My area was sold out of girl elves they only had boys this time and I needed a girl. I found one 3 hours away from my house and drove all the way to get a new girl elf. I grabbed the girl elf box spent another $39.95 and drove home. When I got home and opened the box I noticed the elves now looked different in the face. Ace is insanely observant and I knew he would notice the difference.
So December 1st 2013 last Christmas our elf "Evie 2.0" as my husband and I call her arrived via

To this day I have no idea what happened to our first elf Evie. I doubt I will ever know. This Christmas 2014 Ace was counting down the days until Evie the elf returned. So Evie 2.0 decided to arrived in grand style this Christmas by throwing our kids a North Pole Breakfast full of fun, but I will post about that another day!