Last year was no exception, only it was the first year that Ace had a sibling so I had to get them matching Christmas pajamas. Terror was only 8 months old but fit into a 18 to 24 month old Hately Christmas pajamas. This year at 20 months I am sure he will be in a 3T . . .

I have narrowed it down to these 5 sets to choose from.
The Santa Pajamas from Pajama Gram
For the whole family - Pajama Gram has about 9 different sets. Each pair ranges in price from $30 to $40. I think these are adorable I am just not sure my husband would get on board and wear them. It might take me another year to convince him!

The Elf Pajamas from Hanna Andersson
For just the kids - These are adorable and have a little night gown for little Miss! The reviews on these look like they are great quality. Each pair is roughly $40
The Snowflake footie pajamas from Sleepy Heads
For the whole family - Sleepy Heads has a ton of family matching pajama sets. Not just for Christmas either. They are very cute but as a comfort whore I am not sure as an adult I want to sleep with those footie slippers on, but the are extremely cute. For each adult pair its roughly $75 and $40 per pair for each child.

The Stripe Pajamas from Old Navy
For just the kids - Old Navy has a ton of Christmas pajamas and I have always found it easy to find sizes for a baby and a child that match. This set is also a steal at only $16 a pair!

The NEW Do Not Open Till Christmas Pajamas from Hatley
For the whole family - I know these are very comfy and so adorable. Even though we did this one last year this year there is a white stripe so it changes it up a bit! Prices range from $65 for the adult sizes to $40 per child size.
Only a few more weeks before Christmas pajamas sell out every where so I guess I am going to have to make a quick decision soon! If you have any other suggestions as to where to find mainly red or mainly green Christmas Pajamas please leave links in the the comments for me :)
Great post, thanks for sharing. There's nothing better than a comfy pair of pyjamas. This is my favourite place to buy pyjamas from: