In our house we are elf crazy! We have 3 little elves and sometimes 4 when its "bring an elf friend to work day"!
Evie (Red) is our smart and quiet scout elf
Nole (Green) is our naughty coal elf
Pinky Powder Puff (Pink) is our dainty elf
The elves always arrive in style with a North Pole breakfast. The kids love it and they get to stay home from school for the day, cause there is no teacher out there that would want them to come to school after a totally sugar filled breakfast.
Last year our elves arrive in the play room on the kids Christmas tree. I thought the kids would run straight for the sugar treat table but instead they were crowding around the tree trying to talk all at once to the elves. It honestly felt like holiday magic that they were still so sweet and innocence and excited to see their elf friends.

The table was filled with so many sweets the kids didn't know what to start with!

After our North Pole breakfast our elves kind of just move around the house. Our elves might do two or three crazy stunts through out the month but after such a big welcome party they are kind of tapped out of energy.
One of the kids favorite things about their elves is coming home to tell them about their day and ask what the elves did. They started writing notes for the elves and leaving them beside the elves each night. So of course our elves had to find a way to respond back.
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