Spring is not one of my most favorite times of year after having kids. The constant mud, dirt everywhere, the smell of worms in the air, the extra laundry from muddy clothes, the weather dyslexia and oh all the mud.
If I could I would skip over spring every year and go straight into summer except for that one perfect spring day.... You know the day, that first day its warm enough to go outside with out a coat on and the snow is melting fast so there are monster size puddles everywhere!
My kids live for this day every year. We throw on our Mud Suits
and rain boots and head over to the provincial park near by as they have the BEST puddles. The kids love jumping, splashing and throwing rocks in to the puddles but most of all they love the freedom to get messy.
They will wade through the knee deep puddles for hours. Searching for frogs and toads who are waking up from their hibernation, looking for worms and making mini boats out of leaves. We walk through the puddles and talk about how the trees and flowers are
waking up. How the birds are flying back and how summer is coming.
These monster puddles don't seem to last long. They dry up quickly so we usually only get one good day of puddle jumping so we make the most of it.
and as for clean up? We just take off our Oakiwear mud suits
and throw them in a water proof bag to hose off for later. We have tried a lot of brands of mud suits and these are really the only ones that have stood up and kept my kids dry during the punishment my kids put them threw!
Now that the puddles are gone BRING ON THE SUMMER we are ready!!
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